Romanian Leu to Indonesia Rupiah Exchange Rate and Currency Converter

Currency converter

Today exchange rate:

1 RON =
3385.52 IDR

By today rate (2024-12-15) RON to IDR equal 3385.52

1.xx IDR to RON

Invert: IDR to RON Currency rate

View current exchange rates for the pair Romanian Leu (RON) and Indonesian Rupiah (IDR). This page shows a rate of Indonesian Rupiah for 1 Romanian Leu and compare local money of Romania and Indonesia. Currency exchange rates updates every day and use average rates based on Trusted International exchange rate. Use Currency converter to calculate any amount of RON to IDR exchange rate. On this page available money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, history chart, popular money converter and list of live conversion of Romanian Leu in Indonesia Rupiah:

Romanian Leu in Indonesia Rupiahs History Chart

During last 30 days average exchange rate of Romanian Leu in Indonesia Rupiahs was 3366.11559 IDR for 1 RON. The highest price of Romanian Leu in Indonesia Rupiah was Sun, 15 Dec 2024 when 1 Romanian Leu = 3385.52 Indonesia Rupiah. The lowest change rate in last month between Romanian Leu and Indonesia Rupiah currencies was on Sun, 15 Dec 2024. On that day 1 RON = 3333.4437 IDR.

0.00 RON-IDR

0.xx RON/IDR

  • 0.01 RON = 33.86 IDR
  • 0.02 RON = 67.71 IDR
  • 0.05 RON = 169.28 IDR
  • 0.10 RON = 338.55 IDR
  • 0.25 RON = 846.38 IDR
  • 0.49 RON = 846.38 IDR
  • 0.50 RON = 1692.76 IDR
  • 0.70 RON = 2369.86 IDR
  • 0.75 RON = 2539.14 IDR
  • 0.90 RON = 3046.97 IDR
  • 0.95 RON = 3216.24 IDR
  • 0.99 RON = 3351.66 IDR

1.00 RON:IDR

1.xx RON/IDR

  • 1.00 RON = 3385.52 IDR
  • 1.01 RON = 3419.38 IDR
  • 1.05 RON = 3554.8 IDR
  • 1.10 RON = 3724.07 IDR
  • 1.25 RON = 4231.9 IDR
  • 1.49 RON = 4231.9 IDR
  • 1.50 RON = 5078.28 IDR
  • 1.70 RON = 5755.38 IDR
  • 1.75 RON = 5924.66 IDR
  • 1.90 RON = 6432.49 IDR
  • 1.95 RON = 6601.76 IDR
  • 1.99 RON = 6737.18 IDR

Romanian Leu compared to Indonesia Rupiah

Romanian Leu Indonesia Rupiah
lei 1 Rp 3385.52
lei 2 Rp 6771.04
lei 5 Rp 16927.6
lei 10 Rp 33855.2
lei 15 Rp 50782.8
lei 20 Rp 67710.4
lei 25 Rp 84638
lei 30 Rp 101565.6
lei 50 Rp 169276
lei 100 Rp 338552
lei 200 Rp 677104
lei 300 Rp 1015656
lei 400 Rp 1354208
lei 500 Rp 1692760
lei 600 Rp 2031312
lei 700 Rp 2369864
lei 800 Rp 2708416
lei 900 Rp 3046968
lei 1000 Rp 3385520
lei 2500 Rp 8463800
lei 3000 Rp 10156560
lei 5000 Rp 16927600
lei 10000 Rp 33855200
lei 25000 Rp 84638000
lei 50000 Rp 169276000
lei 100000 Rp 338552000

Most convertible amounts of RON in IDR

Romanian Leu Indonesia Rupiah
lei 0.3 Rp 1000
lei 0.59 Rp 2000
lei 1.48 Rp 5000
lei 2.95 Rp 10000
lei 4.43 Rp 15000
lei 5.91 Rp 20000
lei 7.38 Rp 25000
lei 8.86 Rp 30000
lei 14.77 Rp 50000
lei 29.54 Rp 100000
lei 59.08 Rp 200000
lei 88.61 Rp 300000
lei 118.15 Rp 400000
lei 147.69 Rp 500000
lei 177.23 Rp 600000
lei 206.76 Rp 700000
lei 236.3 Rp 800000
lei 265.84 Rp 900000
lei 295.38 Rp 1000000
lei 738.44 Rp 2500000
lei 886.13 Rp 3000000
lei 1476.88 Rp 5000000
lei 2953.76 Rp 10000000
lei 7384.39 Rp 25000000
lei 14768.78 Rp 50000000
lei 29537.56 Rp 100000000

Romanian Leu Currency Exchange Table