Tanzanian Shilling to Namibian Dollar Exchange Rate and Currency Converter

Currency converter

Today exchange rate:

1 TZS =
0.00755 NAD

By today rate (2024-12-15) TZS to NAD equal 0.00755

1.xx NAD to TZS

Invert: NAD to TZS Currency rate

View current exchange rates for the pair Tanzanian Shilling (TZS) and Namibian Dollar (NAD). This page shows a rate of Namibian Dollar for 1 Tanzanian Shilling and compare local money of Tanzania and Namibia. Currency exchange rates updates every day and use average rates based on Trusted International exchange rate. Use Currency converter to calculate any amount of TZS to NAD exchange rate. On this page available money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, history chart, popular money converter and list of live conversion of Tanzanian Shilling in Namibian Dollar:

Tanzanian Shilling in Namibian Dollars History Chart

During last 30 days average exchange rate of Tanzanian Shilling in Namibian Dollars was 0.00694 NAD for 1 TZS. The highest price of Tanzanian Shilling in Namibian Dollar was Sun, 15 Dec 2024 when 1 Tanzanian Shilling = 0.0076 Namibian Dollar. The lowest change rate in last month between Tanzanian Shillings and Namibian Dollar currencies was on Sun, 15 Dec 2024. On that day 1 TZS = 0.0068 NAD.

0.00 TZS-NAD

0.xx TZS/NAD

  • 0.01 TZS = 0 NAD
  • 0.02 TZS = 0 NAD
  • 0.05 TZS = 0 NAD
  • 0.10 TZS = 0 NAD
  • 0.25 TZS = 0 NAD
  • 0.49 TZS = 0 NAD
  • 0.50 TZS = 0 NAD
  • 0.70 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 0.75 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 0.90 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 0.95 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 0.99 TZS = 0.01 NAD

1.00 TZS:NAD

1.xx TZS/NAD

  • 1.00 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 1.01 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 1.05 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 1.10 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 1.25 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 1.49 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 1.50 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 1.70 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 1.75 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 1.90 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 1.95 TZS = 0.01 NAD
  • 1.99 TZS = 0.02 NAD

Tanzanian Shilling compared to Namibian Dollar

Tanzanian Shilling Namibian Dollar
TSh 100 $ 0.76
TSh 200 $ 1.51
TSh 500 $ 3.78
TSh 1000 $ 7.55
TSh 1500 $ 11.33
TSh 2000 $ 15.1
TSh 2500 $ 18.88
TSh 3000 $ 22.65
TSh 5000 $ 37.75
TSh 10000 $ 75.5
TSh 20000 $ 151
TSh 30000 $ 226.5
TSh 40000 $ 302
TSh 50000 $ 377.5
TSh 60000 $ 453
TSh 70000 $ 528.5
TSh 80000 $ 604
TSh 90000 $ 679.5
TSh 100000 $ 755
TSh 250000 $ 1887.5
TSh 300000 $ 2265
TSh 500000 $ 3775
TSh 1000000 $ 7550
TSh 2500000 $ 18875
TSh 5000000 $ 37750
TSh 10000000 $ 75500

Most convertible amounts of TZS in NAD

Tanzanian Shilling Namibian Dollar
TSh 132.45 $ 1
TSh 264.9 $ 2
TSh 662.25 $ 5
TSh 1324.5 $ 10
TSh 1986.75 $ 15
TSh 2649.01 $ 20
TSh 3311.26 $ 25
TSh 3973.51 $ 30
TSh 6622.52 $ 50
TSh 13245.03 $ 100
TSh 26490.07 $ 200
TSh 39735.1 $ 300
TSh 52980.13 $ 400
TSh 66225.17 $ 500
TSh 79470.2 $ 600
TSh 92715.23 $ 700
TSh 105960.26 $ 800
TSh 119205.3 $ 900
TSh 132450.33 $ 1000
TSh 331125.83 $ 2500
TSh 397350.99 $ 3000
TSh 662251.66 $ 5000
TSh 1324503.31 $ 10000
TSh 3311258.28 $ 25000
TSh 6622516.56 $ 50000
TSh 13245033.11 $ 100000

Tanzanian Shilling Currency Exchange Table

Most convertible amounts of TZS in NAD