Turkish Lira to Samoa Tala Exchange Rate and Currency Converter

Currency converter

Today exchange rate:

1 TRY =
0.0801 WST

By today rate (2024-12-16) TRY to WST equal 0.0801

1.xx WST to TRY

Invert: WST to TRY Currency rate

View current exchange rates for the pair Turkish Lira (TRY) and Samoan Tala (WST). This page shows a rate of Samoan Tala for 1 Turkish Lira and compare local money of Turkey and Samoa. Currency exchange rates updates every day and use average rates based on Trusted International exchange rate. Use Currency converter to calculate any amount of TRY to WST exchange rate. On this page available money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, history chart, popular money converter and list of live conversion of Turkish Lira in Samoa Tala:

Turkish Lira in Samoa Tala History Chart

During last 30 days average exchange rate of Turkish Lira in Samoa Tala was 0.08072 WST for 1 TRY. The highest price of Turkish Lira in Samoa Tala was Sun, 17 Nov 2024 when 1 Turkish Lira = 0.0814 Samoa Tala. The lowest change rate in last month between Turkish Liras and Samoa Tala currencies was on Sun, 17 Nov 2024. On that day 1 TRY = 0.0801 WST.

0.00 TRY-WST

0.xx TRY/WST

  • 0.01 TRY = 0 WST
  • 0.02 TRY = 0 WST
  • 0.05 TRY = 0 WST
  • 0.10 TRY = 0.01 WST
  • 0.25 TRY = 0.02 WST
  • 0.49 TRY = 0.02 WST
  • 0.50 TRY = 0.04 WST
  • 0.70 TRY = 0.06 WST
  • 0.75 TRY = 0.06 WST
  • 0.90 TRY = 0.07 WST
  • 0.95 TRY = 0.08 WST
  • 0.99 TRY = 0.08 WST

1.00 TRY:WST

1.xx TRY/WST

  • 1.00 TRY = 0.08 WST
  • 1.01 TRY = 0.08 WST
  • 1.05 TRY = 0.08 WST
  • 1.10 TRY = 0.09 WST
  • 1.25 TRY = 0.1 WST
  • 1.49 TRY = 0.1 WST
  • 1.50 TRY = 0.12 WST
  • 1.70 TRY = 0.14 WST
  • 1.75 TRY = 0.14 WST
  • 1.90 TRY = 0.15 WST
  • 1.95 TRY = 0.16 WST
  • 1.99 TRY = 0.16 WST

Turkish Lira compared to Samoa Tala

Turkish Lira Samoa Tala
TL 1 WS$ 0.08
TL 2 WS$ 0.16
TL 5 WS$ 0.4
TL 10 WS$ 0.8
TL 15 WS$ 1.2
TL 20 WS$ 1.6
TL 25 WS$ 2
TL 30 WS$ 2.4
TL 50 WS$ 4.01
TL 100 WS$ 8.01
TL 200 WS$ 16.02
TL 300 WS$ 24.03
TL 400 WS$ 32.04
TL 500 WS$ 40.05
TL 600 WS$ 48.06
TL 700 WS$ 56.07
TL 800 WS$ 64.08
TL 900 WS$ 72.09
TL 1000 WS$ 80.1
TL 2500 WS$ 200.25
TL 3000 WS$ 240.3
TL 5000 WS$ 400.5
TL 10000 WS$ 801
TL 25000 WS$ 2002.5
TL 50000 WS$ 4005
TL 100000 WS$ 8010

Most convertible amounts of TRY in WST

Turkish Lira Samoa Tala
TL 12.48 WS$ 1
TL 24.97 WS$ 2
TL 62.42 WS$ 5
TL 124.84 WS$ 10
TL 187.27 WS$ 15
TL 249.69 WS$ 20
TL 312.11 WS$ 25
TL 374.53 WS$ 30
TL 624.22 WS$ 50
TL 1248.44 WS$ 100
TL 2496.88 WS$ 200
TL 3745.32 WS$ 300
TL 4993.76 WS$ 400
TL 6242.2 WS$ 500
TL 7490.64 WS$ 600
TL 8739.08 WS$ 700
TL 9987.52 WS$ 800
TL 11235.96 WS$ 900
TL 12484.39 WS$ 1000
TL 31210.99 WS$ 2500
TL 37453.18 WS$ 3000
TL 62421.97 WS$ 5000
TL 124843.95 WS$ 10000
TL 312109.86 WS$ 25000
TL 624219.73 WS$ 50000
TL 1248439.45 WS$ 100000

Turkish Lira Currency Exchange Table