South Sudanese Pound to Kwacha Exchange Rate and Currency Converter

Currency converter

Today exchange rate:

1 SSP =
0.212 ZMW

By today rate (2024-12-15) SSP to ZMW equal 0.212

1.xx ZMW to SSP

Invert: ZMW to SSP Currency rate

View current exchange rates for the pair South Sudanese Pound (SSP) and Zambian Kwacha (ZMW). This page shows a rate of Zambian Kwacha for 1 South Sudanese Pound and compare local money of South Sudane and Zambia. Currency exchange rates updates every day and use average rates based on Trusted International exchange rate. Use Currency converter to calculate any amount of SSP to ZMW exchange rate. On this page available money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, history chart, popular money converter and list of live conversion of South Sudanese Pound in Kwacha:

South Sudanese Pound in Kwacha History Chart

During last 30 days average exchange rate of South Sudanese Pound in Kwacha was 0.21003 ZMW for 1 SSP. The highest price of South Sudanese Pound in Kwacha was Thu, 21 Nov 2024 when 1 South Sudanese Pound = 0.2125 Kwacha. The lowest change rate in last month between South Sudanese pounds and Kwacha currencies was on Thu, 21 Nov 2024. On that day 1 SSP = 0.2063 ZMW.

0.00 SSP-ZMW

0.xx SSP/ZMW

  • 0.01 SSP = 0 ZMW
  • 0.02 SSP = 0 ZMW
  • 0.05 SSP = 0.01 ZMW
  • 0.10 SSP = 0.02 ZMW
  • 0.25 SSP = 0.05 ZMW
  • 0.49 SSP = 0.05 ZMW
  • 0.50 SSP = 0.11 ZMW
  • 0.70 SSP = 0.15 ZMW
  • 0.75 SSP = 0.16 ZMW
  • 0.90 SSP = 0.19 ZMW
  • 0.95 SSP = 0.2 ZMW
  • 0.99 SSP = 0.21 ZMW

1.00 SSP:ZMW

1.xx SSP/ZMW

  • 1.00 SSP = 0.21 ZMW
  • 1.01 SSP = 0.21 ZMW
  • 1.05 SSP = 0.22 ZMW
  • 1.10 SSP = 0.23 ZMW
  • 1.25 SSP = 0.27 ZMW
  • 1.49 SSP = 0.27 ZMW
  • 1.50 SSP = 0.32 ZMW
  • 1.70 SSP = 0.36 ZMW
  • 1.75 SSP = 0.37 ZMW
  • 1.90 SSP = 0.4 ZMW
  • 1.95 SSP = 0.41 ZMW
  • 1.99 SSP = 0.42 ZMW

South Sudanese Pound compared to Kwacha

South Sudanese Pound Kwacha
1 0.21
2 0.42
5 1.06
10 2.12
15 3.18
20 4.24
25 5.3
30 6.36
50 10.6
100 21.2
200 42.4
300 63.6
400 84.8
500 106
600 127.2
700 148.4
800 169.6
900 190.8
1000 212
2500 530
3000 636
5000 1060
10000 2120
25000 5300
50000 10600
100000 21200

Most convertible amounts of SSP in ZMW

South Sudanese Pound Kwacha
4.72 1
9.43 2
23.58 5
47.17 10
70.75 15
94.34 20
117.92 25
141.51 30
235.85 50
471.7 100
943.4 200
1415.09 300
1886.79 400
2358.49 500
2830.19 600
3301.89 700
3773.58 800
4245.28 900
4716.98 1000
11792.45 2500
14150.94 3000
23584.91 5000
47169.81 10000
117924.53 25000
235849.06 50000
471698.11 100000

South Sudanese Pound Currency Exchange Table