Swedish Krona to Pakistani Rupee Exchange Rate and Currency Converter

Currency converter

Today exchange rate:

1 SEK =
25.28 PKR

By today rate (2024-12-15) SEK to PKR equal 25.28

1.xx PKR to SEK

Invert: PKR to SEK Currency rate

View current exchange rates for the pair Swedish Krona (SEK) and Pakistani Rupee (PKR). This page shows a rate of Pakistani Rupee for 1 Swedish Krona and compare local money of Sweden and Pakistan. Currency exchange rates updates every day and use average rates based on Trusted International exchange rate. Use Currency converter to calculate any amount of SEK to PKR exchange rate. On this page available money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, history chart, popular money converter and list of live conversion of Swedish Krona in Pakistani Rupee:

Swedish Krona in Pakistani Rupees History Chart

During last 30 days average exchange rate of Swedish Krona in Pakistani Rupees was 25.34913 PKR for 1 SEK. The highest price of Swedish Krona in Pakistani Rupee was Fri, 6 Dec 2024 when 1 Swedish Krona = 25.6161 Pakistani Rupee. The lowest change rate in last month between Swedish Kronas and Pakistani Rupee currencies was on Fri, 6 Dec 2024. On that day 1 SEK = 25.1059 PKR.

0.00 SEK-PKR

0.xx SEK/PKR

  • 0.01 SEK = 0.25 PKR
  • 0.02 SEK = 0.51 PKR
  • 0.05 SEK = 1.26 PKR
  • 0.10 SEK = 2.53 PKR
  • 0.25 SEK = 6.32 PKR
  • 0.49 SEK = 6.32 PKR
  • 0.50 SEK = 12.64 PKR
  • 0.70 SEK = 17.7 PKR
  • 0.75 SEK = 18.96 PKR
  • 0.90 SEK = 22.75 PKR
  • 0.95 SEK = 24.02 PKR
  • 0.99 SEK = 25.03 PKR

1.00 SEK:PKR

1.xx SEK/PKR

  • 1.00 SEK = 25.28 PKR
  • 1.01 SEK = 25.53 PKR
  • 1.05 SEK = 26.54 PKR
  • 1.10 SEK = 27.81 PKR
  • 1.25 SEK = 31.6 PKR
  • 1.49 SEK = 31.6 PKR
  • 1.50 SEK = 37.92 PKR
  • 1.70 SEK = 42.98 PKR
  • 1.75 SEK = 44.24 PKR
  • 1.90 SEK = 48.03 PKR
  • 1.95 SEK = 49.3 PKR
  • 1.99 SEK = 50.31 PKR

Swedish Krona compared to Pakistani Rupee

Swedish Krona Pakistani Rupee
kr 1 ₨ 25.28
kr 2 ₨ 50.56
kr 5 ₨ 126.4
kr 10 ₨ 252.8
kr 15 ₨ 379.2
kr 20 ₨ 505.6
kr 25 ₨ 632
kr 30 ₨ 758.4
kr 50 ₨ 1264
kr 100 ₨ 2528
kr 200 ₨ 5056
kr 300 ₨ 7584
kr 400 ₨ 10112
kr 500 ₨ 12640
kr 600 ₨ 15168
kr 700 ₨ 17696
kr 800 ₨ 20224
kr 900 ₨ 22752
kr 1000 ₨ 25280
kr 2500 ₨ 63200
kr 3000 ₨ 75840
kr 5000 ₨ 126400
kr 10000 ₨ 252800
kr 25000 ₨ 632000
kr 50000 ₨ 1264000
kr 100000 ₨ 2528000

Most convertible amounts of SEK in PKR

Swedish Krona Pakistani Rupee
kr 0.04 ₨ 1
kr 0.08 ₨ 2
kr 0.2 ₨ 5
kr 0.4 ₨ 10
kr 0.59 ₨ 15
kr 0.79 ₨ 20
kr 0.99 ₨ 25
kr 1.19 ₨ 30
kr 1.98 ₨ 50
kr 3.96 ₨ 100
kr 7.91 ₨ 200
kr 11.87 ₨ 300
kr 15.82 ₨ 400
kr 19.78 ₨ 500
kr 23.73 ₨ 600
kr 27.69 ₨ 700
kr 31.65 ₨ 800
kr 35.6 ₨ 900
kr 39.56 ₨ 1000
kr 98.89 ₨ 2500
kr 118.67 ₨ 3000
kr 197.78 ₨ 5000
kr 395.57 ₨ 10000
kr 988.92 ₨ 25000
kr 1977.85 ₨ 50000
kr 3955.7 ₨ 100000

Swedish Krona Currency Exchange Table