ï·¼ Qatar Riyal Exchange Rate

With MoneyExchangeRate.org you can convert Qatari Riyals (QAR) to any other foreign currency. To convert a certain amount of Qatar Riyal use currency converter. This page provides a free online information about currency conversion or exchange rates for world fiat currencies. Exchange rates for Qatari Riyals is calculated from mid-market real price, and updates daily. Usually people search for QAR exchange rate before business travel to Qatar or during trip to other countries and want to check rate of Qatar Riyal in local money. On this page you can convert Qatar Riyal to main foreign currencies, get fast access to most used amounts of QAR or aether calculate any amount of Qatar Riyal in other fiat money.

Qatar currency Qatar Riyal:

ISO code: QAR
Country: Qatar
Full name: Qatari Riyals

Last QAR rate update: today (2025/02/16)

Currency converter

Exchange rate of Qatar Riyal against main foreign currencies

QAR Exchange Rate Convert
1 QAR = 0.28 USD 0.2751 Convert QAR to USD
1 QAR = 0.26 EUR 0.26222 Convert QAR to EUR
1 QAR = 0.22 GBP 0.21859 Convert QAR to GBP
1 QAR = 0.39 CAD 0.39008 Convert QAR to CAD
1 QAR = 0.43 AUD 0.43323 Convert QAR to AUD
1 QAR = 0.25 CHF 0.24753 Convert QAR to CHF
1 QAR = 1.96 DKK 1.9563 Convert QAR to DKK
1 QAR = 3.06 NOK 3.05738 Convert QAR to NOK
1 QAR = 2.94 SEK 2.94174 Convert QAR to SEK
1 QAR = 1.01 AED 1.01046 Convert QAR to AED
1 QAR = 2.01 CNY 2.00545 Convert QAR to CNY
1 QAR = 2.14 HKD 2.14154 Convert QAR to HKD
1 QAR = 41.91 JPY 41.91064 Convert QAR to JPY
1 QAR = 23.83 INR 23.83235 Convert QAR to INR
1 QAR = 4451.13 IDR 4451.13282 Convert QAR to IDR
1 QAR = 0.37 SGD 0.36847 Convert QAR to SGD
1 QAR = 396.54 KRW 396.54239 Convert QAR to KRW
1 QAR = 5.05 ZAR 5.05436 Convert QAR to ZAR

Qatari Riyals currency rate vs major world currencies. Links to conversion pairs, and links to conversion result of 100 units to foreign currency.

Qatar Riyal to other currencies
Exchange Rate Exchange Rate Invert: Currency
1 QAR = 1.0105 AED1 AED = 0.9897 QAR
UAE Dirhams
1 QAR = 20.2201 AFN1 AFN = 0.0495 QAR
1 QAR = 25.942 ALL1 ALL = 0.0385 QAR
Albanian Lek
1 QAR = 109.6116 AMD1 AMD = 0.0091 QAR
1 QAR = 0.4944 ANG1 ANG = 2.0228 QAR
1 QAR = 251.5821 AOA1 AOA = 0.004 QAR
1 QAR = 290.4832 ARS1 ARS = 0.0034 QAR
Argentine Pesos
1 QAR = 0.4332 AUD1 AUD = 2.3082 QAR
Australian Dollars
1 QAR = 0.4952 AWG1 AWG = 2.0194 QAR
Aruban Florins
1 QAR = 0.4677 AZN1 AZN = 2.1382 QAR
Azeri Manat
1 QAR = 0.5126 BAM1 BAM = 1.951 QAR
Convertible Marks
1 QAR = 0.5502 BBD1 BBD = 1.8175 QAR
Barbados Dollars
1 QAR = 33.329 BDT1 BDT = 0.03 QAR
1 QAR = 0.5125 BGN1 BGN = 1.9512 QAR
Bulgarian Levs
1 QAR = 0.1036 BHD1 BHD = 9.6515 QAR
Bahraini Dinars
1 QAR = 805.0903 BIF1 BIF = 0.0012 QAR
Burundi Francs
1 QAR = 0.2751 BMD1 BMD = 3.635 QAR
Bermuda Dollars
1 QAR = 0.3694 BND1 BND = 2.7075 QAR
Brunei Dollars
1 QAR = 1.8953 BOB1 BOB = 0.5276 QAR
1 QAR = 1.5694 BRL1 BRL = 0.6372 QAR
Brazil Reals
1 QAR = 0.2751 BSD1 BSD = 3.635 QAR
Bahamian Dollars
1 QAR = 0 BTC1 BTC = 354762.1973 QAR
1 QAR = 23.7807 BTN1 BTN = 0.0421 QAR
Bhutanese Ngultrums
1 QAR = 3.784 BWP1 BWP = 0.2643 QAR
Botswana Pulas
1 QAR = 0.8977 BYN1 BYN = 1.114 QAR
BY Rubles
1 QAR = 0.551 BZD1 BZD = 1.8149 QAR
Belize Dollars
1 QAR = 0.3901 CAD1 CAD = 2.5636 QAR
Can Dollars
1 QAR = 785.0441 CDF1 CDF = 0.0013 QAR
Congo Francs
1 QAR = 0.2475 CHF1 CHF = 4.0399 QAR
Swiss Francs
1 QAR = 0.0068 CLF1 CLF = 146.6493 QAR
UF Chile
1 QAR = 261.6757 CLP1 CLP = 0.0038 QAR
Chilean Pesos
1 QAR = 2.0054 CNY1 CNY = 0.4986 QAR
1 QAR = 1134.846 COP1 COP = 0.0009 QAR
Colombian Pesos
1 QAR = 139.0912 CRC1 CRC = 0.0072 QAR
1 QAR = 0.2751 CUC1 CUC = 3.635 QAR
Convertible Pesos
1 QAR = 7.0839 CUP1 CUP = 0.1412 QAR
Cuban Pesos
1 QAR = 29.1747 CVE1 CVE = 0.0343 QAR
Cape Verdean Escudos
1 QAR = 6.562 CZK1 CZK = 0.1524 QAR
Czech Korunas
1 QAR = 48.847 DJF1 DJF = 0.0205 QAR
Djibouti Francs
1 QAR = 1.9563 DKK1 DKK = 0.5112 QAR
Danish Krone
1 QAR = 17.051 DOP1 DOP = 0.0586 QAR
Dominican Pesos
1 QAR = 37.2159 DZD1 DZD = 0.0269 QAR
Algerian Dinars
1 QAR = 13.9193 EGP1 EGP = 0.0718 QAR
Egypt Pounds
1 QAR = 4.1266 ERN1 ERN = 0.2423 QAR
1 QAR = 35.1347 ETB1 ETB = 0.0285 QAR
1 QAR = 0.2622 EUR1 EUR = 3.8137 QAR
1 QAR = 0.632 FJD1 FJD = 1.5823 QAR
Fiji Dollars
1 QAR = 0.2186 FKP1 FKP = 4.5748 QAR
Falkland pounds
1 QAR = 0.2186 GBP1 GBP = 4.5748 QAR
Pound Sterlings
1 QAR = 0.7772 GEL1 GEL = 1.2867 QAR
1 QAR = 0.2186 GGP1 GGP = 4.5748 QAR
Guernsey Pounds
1 QAR = 4.238 GHS1 GHS = 0.236 QAR
1 QAR = 0.2186 GIP1 GIP = 4.5748 QAR
Gibraltar Pounds
1 QAR = 19.6699 GMD1 GMD = 0.0508 QAR
1 QAR = 2371.4893 GNF1 GNF = 0.0004 QAR
Guinean Franc
1 QAR = 2.1176 GTQ1 GTQ = 0.4722 QAR
1 QAR = 57.3895 GYD1 GYD = 0.0174 QAR
Guyana Dollars
1 QAR = 2.1415 HKD1 HKD = 0.467 QAR
HK Dollars
1 QAR = 6.9931 HNL1 HNL = 0.143 QAR
1 QAR = 1.9756 HRK1 HRK = 0.5062 QAR
1 QAR = 35.8998 HTG1 HTG = 0.0279 QAR
1 QAR = 105.4687 HUF1 HUF = 0.0095 QAR
1 QAR = 4451.1328 IDR1 IDR = 0.0002 QAR
Indonesia Rupiahs
1 QAR = 0.9757 ILS1 ILS = 1.0249 QAR
Israeli Shekels
1 QAR = 0.2186 IMP1 IMP = 4.5748 QAR
Manx pounds
1 QAR = 23.8324 INR1 INR = 0.042 QAR
Indian Rupees
1 QAR = 359.3362 IQD1 IQD = 0.0028 QAR
Iraqi Dinars
1 QAR = 11578.4171 IRR1 IRR = 0.0001 QAR
Iranian Rials
1 QAR = 38.5282 ISK1 ISK = 0.026 QAR
Icelandic Kronas
1 QAR = 0.2186 JEP1 JEP = 4.5748 QAR
Jersey Pounds
1 QAR = 43.3153 JMD1 JMD = 0.0231 QAR
Jam Dollars
1 QAR = 0.1952 JOD1 JOD = 5.1233 QAR
Jordanian Dinars
1 QAR = 41.9106 JPY1 JPY = 0.0239 QAR Yenes
1 QAR = 35.4803 KES1 KES = 0.0282 QAR
Kenyan Shillings
1 QAR = 24.0578 KGS1 KGS = 0.0416 QAR
Kyrgyz Som
1 QAR = 1103.1649 KHR1 KHR = 0.0009 QAR
Cambodian Riels
1 QAR = 129.1886 KMF1 KMF = 0.0077 QAR
Comorian Franc
1 QAR = 247.5931 KPW1 KPW = 0.004 QAR
North Korean Wons
1 QAR = 396.5424 KRW1 KRW = 0.0025 QAR
South Korean Wons
1 QAR = 0.0848 KWD1 KWD = 11.7973 QAR
Kuwaiti Dinars
1 QAR = 0.2286 KYD1 KYD = 4.3749 QAR
Cayman Dollars
1 QAR = 136.3766 KZT1 KZT = 0.0073 QAR
1 QAR = 5961.2833 LAK1 LAK = 0.0002 QAR
Lao Kip
1 QAR = 24568.8334 LBP1 LBP = 0 QAR
Lebanon Pounds
1 QAR = 81.0675 LKR1 LKR = 0.0123 QAR
Sri Lankan Rupees
1 QAR = 54.7246 LRD1 LRD = 0.0183 QAR
Liberian Dollars
1 QAR = 5.0404 LSL1 LSL = 0.1984 QAR
Lesotho Loti
1 QAR = 1.3494 LYD1 LYD = 0.7411 QAR
Libyan Dinars
1 QAR = 2.7385 MAD1 MAD = 0.3652 QAR
Moroccan Dirhams
1 QAR = 5.1311 MDL1 MDL = 0.1949 QAR
Moldovan Leu
1 QAR = 1292.123 MGA1 MGA = 0.0008 QAR
Malagasy Ariary
1 QAR = 16.1221 MKD1 MKD = 0.062 QAR
Macedonian Denars
1 QAR = 577.1671 MMK1 MMK = 0.0017 QAR
1 QAR = 934.8016 MNT1 MNT = 0.0011 QAR
1 QAR = 2.1992 MOP1 MOP = 0.4547 QAR
Macau Pataca
1 QAR = 10.92 MRU1 MRU = 0.0916 QAR
Mauritanian Ouguiya
1 QAR = 12.7841 MUR1 MUR = 0.0782 QAR
Mauritian Rupees
1 QAR = 4.2366 MVR1 MVR = 0.236 QAR
1 QAR = 475.6029 MWK1 MWK = 0.0021 QAR
Malawi Kwachas
1 QAR = 5.5864 MXN1 MXN = 0.179 QAR
Mexican Pesos
1 QAR = 1.2199 MYR1 MYR = 0.8197 QAR
1 QAR = 17.5791 MZN1 MZN = 0.0569 QAR
1 QAR = 5.0404 NAD1 NAD = 0.1984 QAR
Namibian Dollars
1 QAR = 415.5714 NGN1 NGN = 0.0024 QAR
Nigerian Nairas
1 QAR = 10.1101 NIO1 NIO = 0.0989 QAR
Nicaraguan Cordoba
1 QAR = 3.0574 NOK1 NOK = 0.3271 QAR
Norwegian Krones
1 QAR = 38.0491 NPR1 NPR = 0.0263 QAR
Nepali Rupees
1 QAR = 0.4799 NZD1 NZD = 2.0838 QAR
NZ Dollars
1 QAR = 0.1059 OMR1 OMR = 9.4416 QAR
Omani Rials
1 QAR = 0.2751 PAB1 PAB = 3.635 QAR
1 QAR = 1.0191 PEN1 PEN = 0.9812 QAR
Peruvian Nuevo Sol
1 QAR = 1.1032 PGK1 PGK = 0.9065 QAR
1 QAR = 15.8886 PHP1 PHP = 0.0629 QAR
Philippine Pesos
1 QAR = 76.5684 PKR1 PKR = 0.0131 QAR
Pakistani Rupees
1 QAR = 1.0927 PLN1 PLN = 0.9152 QAR
1 QAR = 2161.3288 PYG1 PYG = 0.0005 QAR
1 QAR = 1.3049 RON1 RON = 0.7663 QAR
Romanian Leu
1 QAR = 30.6934 RSD1 RSD = 0.0326 QAR
Serbian Dinars
1 QAR = 25.0249 RUB1 RUB = 0.04 QAR
Russian Rubles
1 QAR = 384.8593 RWF1 RWF = 0.0026 QAR
Rwandan Francs
1 QAR = 1.0318 SAR1 SAR = 0.9692 QAR
Saudi Riyals
1 QAR = 2.3199 SBD1 SBD = 0.4311 QAR
Solomon Dollars
1 QAR = 3.9574 SCR1 SCR = 0.2527 QAR
Seychelles Rupees
1 QAR = 165.3372 SDG1 SDG = 0.006 QAR
Sudan Pounds
1 QAR = 2.9417 SEK1 SEK = 0.3399 QAR
Swedish Kronas
1 QAR = 0.3685 SGD1 SGD = 2.7139 QAR
Singapore Dollars
1 QAR = 0.2186 SHP1 SHP = 4.5748 QAR
Saint Helena Pounds
1 QAR = 5768.7821 SLL1 SLL = 0.0002 QAR
1 QAR = 156.7526 SOS1 SOS = 0.0064 QAR
Somali Shillings
1 QAR = 9.69 SRD1 SRD = 0.1032 QAR
Suriname Dollars
1 QAR = 35.835 SSP1 SSP = 0.0279 QAR
South Sudanese pounds
1 QAR = 6129.8004 STD1 STD = 0.0002 QAR
1 QAR = 2.4 SVC1 SVC = 0.4167 QAR
Salvador Colon
1 QAR = 3576.8953 SYP1 SYP = 0.0003 QAR
Syrian Pounds
1 QAR = 5.0393 SZL1 SZL = 0.1984 QAR
Swazi Lilangeni
1 QAR = 9.2755 THB1 THB = 0.1078 QAR
Thai Baht
1 QAR = 2.994 TJS1 TJS = 0.334 QAR
Tajik Somoni
1 QAR = 0.9629 TMT1 TMT = 1.0386 QAR
Turkmen Manat
1 QAR = 0.8733 TND1 TND = 1.1451 QAR
Tunisian Dinar
1 QAR = 0.6624 TOP1 TOP = 1.5097 QAR
Tonga Paanga
1 QAR = 9.9642 TRY1 TRY = 0.1004 QAR
Turkish Liras
1 QAR = 1.8615 TTD1 TTD = 0.5372 QAR
Trinidad Dollars
1 QAR = 8.9905 TWD1 TWD = 0.1112 QAR
New Taiwan Dollars
1 QAR = 713.1995 TZS1 TZS = 0.0014 QAR
Tanzanian Shillings
1 QAR = 11.4143 UAH1 UAH = 0.0876 QAR
1 QAR = 1009.379 UGX1 UGX = 0.001 QAR
Ugandan Shillings
1 QAR = 0.2751 USD1 USD = 3.635 QAR
US Dollars
1 QAR = 11.9237 UYU1 UYU = 0.0839 QAR
Uruguayan Pesos
1 QAR = 3564.009 UZS1 UZS = 0.0003 QAR
Uzbekistan Som
1 QAR = 6984.9863 VND1 VND = 0.0001 QAR
Vietnam Dong
1 QAR = 32.6608 VUV1 VUV = 0.0306 QAR
Vanuatu Vatu
1 QAR = 0.7703 WST1 WST = 1.2982 QAR
Samoa Tala
1 QAR = 172.0021 XAF1 XAF = 0.0058 QAR
CFA Francs
1 QAR = 0.7435 XCD1 XCD = 1.345 QAR
East Caribbean Dollars
1 QAR = 0.21 XDR1 XDR = 4.7613 QAR
Special Drawing Rights
1 QAR = 172.0021 XOF1 XOF = 0.0058 QAR
CFA Francs
1 QAR = 31.2906 XPF1 XPF = 0.032 QAR
CFP Francs
1 QAR = 68.2256 YER1 YER = 0.0147 QAR
Yemeni Rials
1 QAR = 5.0544 ZAR1 ZAR = 0.1978 QAR
South African Rand
1 QAR = 7.7286 ZMW1 ZMW = 0.1294 QAR
1 QAR = 88.5833 ZWL1 ZWL = 0.0113 QAR
Zimbabwe Dollars