Indonesia Rupiah to Dalasi Exchange Rate and Currency Converter

Currency converter

Today exchange rate:

1 IDR =
0.00449 GMD

By today rate (2024-12-15) IDR to GMD equal 0.00449

1.xx GMD to IDR

Invert: GMD to IDR Currency rate

View current exchange rates for the pair Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) and Gambian Dalasi (GMD). This page shows a rate of Gambian Dalasi for 1 Indonesian Rupiah and compare local money of Indonesia and Gambia. Currency exchange rates updates every day and use average rates based on Trusted International exchange rate. Use Currency converter to calculate any amount of IDR to GMD exchange rate. On this page available money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, history chart, popular money converter and list of live conversion of Indonesia Rupiah in Dalasi:

Indonesian Rupiah in Dalasis History Chart

During last 30 days average exchange rate of Indonesian Rupiah in Dalasis was 0.00448 GMD for 1 IDR. The highest price of Indonesia Rupiah in Dalasi was Tue, 10 Dec 2024 when 1 Indonesia Rupiah = 0.0045 Dalasi. The lowest change rate in last month between Indonesia Rupiahs and Dalasi currencies was on Tue, 10 Dec 2024. On that day 1 IDR = 0.0044 GMD.

0.00 IDR-GMD

0.xx IDR/GMD

  • 0.01 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 0.02 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 0.05 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 0.10 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 0.25 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 0.49 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 0.50 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 0.70 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 0.75 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 0.90 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 0.95 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 0.99 IDR = 0 GMD

1.00 IDR:GMD

1.xx IDR/GMD

  • 1.00 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 1.01 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 1.05 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 1.10 IDR = 0 GMD
  • 1.25 IDR = 0.01 GMD
  • 1.49 IDR = 0.01 GMD
  • 1.50 IDR = 0.01 GMD
  • 1.70 IDR = 0.01 GMD
  • 1.75 IDR = 0.01 GMD
  • 1.90 IDR = 0.01 GMD
  • 1.95 IDR = 0.01 GMD
  • 1.99 IDR = 0.01 GMD

Indonesia Rupiah compared to Dalasi

Indonesia Rupiah Dalasi
Rp 100 0.45
Rp 200 0.9
Rp 500 2.25
Rp 1000 4.49
Rp 1500 6.74
Rp 2000 8.98
Rp 2500 11.23
Rp 3000 13.47
Rp 5000 22.45
Rp 10000 44.9
Rp 20000 89.8
Rp 30000 134.7
Rp 40000 179.6
Rp 50000 224.5
Rp 60000 269.4
Rp 70000 314.3
Rp 80000 359.2
Rp 90000 404.1
Rp 100000 449
Rp 250000 1122.5
Rp 300000 1347
Rp 500000 2245
Rp 1000000 4490
Rp 2500000 11225
Rp 5000000 22450
Rp 10000000 44900

Most convertible amounts of IDR in GMD

Indonesia Rupiah Dalasi
Rp 222.72 1
Rp 445.43 2
Rp 1113.59 5
Rp 2227.17 10
Rp 3340.76 15
Rp 4454.34 20
Rp 5567.93 25
Rp 6681.51 30
Rp 11135.86 50
Rp 22271.71 100
Rp 44543.43 200
Rp 66815.14 300
Rp 89086.86 400
Rp 111358.57 500
Rp 133630.29 600
Rp 155902 700
Rp 178173.72 800
Rp 200445.43 900
Rp 222717.15 1000
Rp 556792.87 2500
Rp 668151.45 3000
Rp 1113585.75 5000
Rp 2227171.49 10000
Rp 5567928.73 25000
Rp 11135857.46 50000
Rp 22271714.92 100000

Indonesia Rupiah Currency Exchange Table