Forint to Argentine Peso Exchange Rate and Currency Converter

Currency converter

Today exchange rate:

1 HUF =
2.61 ARS

By today rate (2024-12-15) HUF to ARS equal 2.61

1.xx ARS to HUF

Invert: ARS to HUF Currency rate

View current exchange rates for the pair Hungarian Forint (HUF) and Argentine Peso (ARS). This page shows a rate of Argentine Peso for 1 Hungarian Forint and compare local money of Hungary and Argentina. Currency exchange rates updates every day and use average rates based on Trusted International exchange rate. Use Currency converter to calculate any amount of HUF to ARS exchange rate. On this page available money conversion tables of popular amounts, compare tables, history chart, popular money converter and list of live conversion of Forint in Argentine Peso:

Hungarian Forint in Argentine Pesos History Chart

During last 30 days average exchange rate of Hungarian Forint in Argentine Pesos was 2.58239 ARS for 1 HUF. The highest price of Forint in Argentine Peso was Sat, 14 Dec 2024 when 1 Forint = 2.6142 Argentine Peso. The lowest change rate in last month between Forints and Argentine Peso currencies was on Sat, 14 Dec 2024. On that day 1 HUF = 2.5411 ARS.

0.00 HUF-ARS

0.xx HUF/ARS

  • 0.01 HUF = 0.03 ARS
  • 0.02 HUF = 0.05 ARS
  • 0.05 HUF = 0.13 ARS
  • 0.10 HUF = 0.26 ARS
  • 0.25 HUF = 0.65 ARS
  • 0.49 HUF = 0.65 ARS
  • 0.50 HUF = 1.31 ARS
  • 0.70 HUF = 1.83 ARS
  • 0.75 HUF = 1.96 ARS
  • 0.90 HUF = 2.35 ARS
  • 0.95 HUF = 2.48 ARS
  • 0.99 HUF = 2.58 ARS

1.00 HUF:ARS

1.xx HUF/ARS

  • 1.00 HUF = 2.61 ARS
  • 1.01 HUF = 2.64 ARS
  • 1.05 HUF = 2.74 ARS
  • 1.10 HUF = 2.87 ARS
  • 1.25 HUF = 3.26 ARS
  • 1.49 HUF = 3.26 ARS
  • 1.50 HUF = 3.92 ARS
  • 1.70 HUF = 4.44 ARS
  • 1.75 HUF = 4.57 ARS
  • 1.90 HUF = 4.96 ARS
  • 1.95 HUF = 5.09 ARS
  • 1.99 HUF = 5.19 ARS

Forint compared to Argentine Peso

Forint Argentine Peso
Ft 1 $ 2.61
Ft 2 $ 5.22
Ft 5 $ 13.05
Ft 10 $ 26.1
Ft 15 $ 39.15
Ft 20 $ 52.2
Ft 25 $ 65.25
Ft 30 $ 78.3
Ft 50 $ 130.5
Ft 100 $ 261
Ft 200 $ 522
Ft 300 $ 783
Ft 400 $ 1044
Ft 500 $ 1305
Ft 600 $ 1566
Ft 700 $ 1827
Ft 800 $ 2088
Ft 900 $ 2349
Ft 1000 $ 2610
Ft 2500 $ 6525
Ft 3000 $ 7830
Ft 5000 $ 13050
Ft 10000 $ 26100
Ft 25000 $ 65250
Ft 50000 $ 130500
Ft 100000 $ 261000

Most convertible amounts of HUF in ARS

Forint Argentine Peso
Ft 0.38 $ 1
Ft 0.77 $ 2
Ft 1.92 $ 5
Ft 3.83 $ 10
Ft 5.75 $ 15
Ft 7.66 $ 20
Ft 9.58 $ 25
Ft 11.49 $ 30
Ft 19.16 $ 50
Ft 38.31 $ 100
Ft 76.63 $ 200
Ft 114.94 $ 300
Ft 153.26 $ 400
Ft 191.57 $ 500
Ft 229.89 $ 600
Ft 268.2 $ 700
Ft 306.51 $ 800
Ft 344.83 $ 900
Ft 383.14 $ 1000
Ft 957.85 $ 2500
Ft 1149.43 $ 3000
Ft 1915.71 $ 5000
Ft 3831.42 $ 10000
Ft 9578.54 $ 25000
Ft 19157.09 $ 50000
Ft 38314.18 $ 100000

Forint Currency Exchange Table